So, since coming here, I've been accosted left and right by ML's calling me a Lib for not being a ML. Essentially that's what it's come down to.

My personal philosophy aligns with Bakunin, Kropotkin, and Bookchin. I consider myself an Anarcho-Communist or Communalist, depending on the situation, I suppose.

I firmly oppose fascism and authoritarianism. I believe in direct democracy and the inherent goodness of humanity.

I really thought that I had found a place where leftist thought was going to be welcomed, but so far I have not found it here. All I've found are hateful people who want me to leave.

Like I said elsewhere, it's almost as if they don't want new people to join their cause. Like they're actively pushing people away who could have the potential to learn, and who have explicitly come here to learn and to engage in good faith.

I just don't get it. I feel like our cause will never come to fruition because of these types of attitudes.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I mean paramilitary violence coupled with political goals, the corporations don’t exactly do that, not in the imperial core.

    Capitalism doesn’t evolve into feudalism, because it’s much more broader than feudalism ever hoped to be. As a feudal lord, the only way to increase your fortunes is land, because productivity is low, then it became take over sphere of trade (mercantilism), then it became owning means of production. Capitalism achieving its ultimate monopoly equilibrium is nothing like feudalism. I think you have very simplistic perception of feudalism (no offense). It was much freer than cyberpunk hellhole of capital totality.

    Actually in the article/essay I linked to you (as it’s anarchist), they use very similar thought process (authoritarianism, blah-blah), even they don’t go to declare everything on earth fascism lol.

    :sleepi: now, so good luck with your hot takes (?) or catch some sleep as well

    • Guy_Dudeman [comrade/them,he/him]
      3 years ago

      paramilitary violence coupled with political goals, the corporations don’t exactly do that, not in the imperial core.

      Oh, they don't?

      Capitalism achieving its ultimate monopoly equilibrium

      There is no such thing as "equilibrium" in Capitalism/Neo-Feudalism. It's all just a big chess match to see who can launch their dicks into space first.

      I think you have very simplistic perception of feudalism

      Sure. That may be the case.

      It was much freer than cyberpunk hellhole of capital totality.

      Sure. That may also be the case.

      • comi [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I mean there are militias, but there are no amazon strikebreaker blue shirts, not yet. I specifically said in imperial core as well, as in global south they usually do exhibit this behavior, but still they hire mercenaries outside, instead of grass-roots brownshirts typically.

        Equilibrium is monopoly, it is just stopped/frozen for a time due to popular pressure in the 20-30s with trusbusting/social democracy stuff. Don’t mistake random shenanigans with competition: if given free reign, companies will have cartels and buyouts in 10 years

        • Guy_Dudeman [comrade/them,he/him]
          3 years ago

          if given free reign, companies will have cartels and buyouts in 10 years

          Less than that, if the Trump Administration is any indication.