Full post: https://imgur.com/a/as3rqfw
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/pz7yvw/comment/hez4rt2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Posted on a /r/Neoliberal thread intended to suck off the Military Industrial Complex as good for the GDP. He's getting downvoted for killing the vibe and will probably get deleted and banned soon, because if there's anything Neoliberals love more than fetishizing drones, it's fetishizing nuclear proliferation.
Colorado Springs is an evangelical hotbed. The Air Force Academy located there is heavily infiltrated by them and there's a reputation for proselytising in the Air Force as a result of it. If the US has a fast collapse like the Soviets, evangelical dominionists will absolutely control dozens of nuclear weapons if not more.