How is it possible to be a marxist and say the most utterly deranged things possible? It's simple. They're not marxist.

    1 year ago

    Isn’t there a communist party in Russia? I know it’s not the ruling party but last time I checked it wasn’t outlawed like in other countries…

    • ♥☭Wallace☭♥
      1 year ago

      The Communist Party of Russia is reactionary and should be treated like any other conservative party. don't forget the so-called Communists in the state duma voted in favour of the gay propaganda law and even pushed for further laws against non-traditional families.

      1 year ago

      Yes, they’re one of the biggest parties. Their influence is actually what got Putin to recognize DPR and LPR and invade. They’d been asking for it since the Maidan coup.

    1 year ago

    I feel like we can stop platforming this random dude. We get it, some dude with 200 followers has bad takes./nm

        1 year ago

        I'm sorry, I'm sick of having my identity weaponized to manufacture consent for imperialism by liberals who don't actually give a shit about trans rights in any meaningful way. My country and Russia are both systemically hostile to trans people. But the cultural superstructure won't change unless we fundamentally attack the class base.

      1 year ago

      I’d disagree, Tito’s socialism with Balkan characteristics is definitely Marxist, though obviously not the best adaptation of Marxism with Market socialism. However, they don’t even claim that ideology, as they say they’re a Maoist and call “Yugoslavism” socialism with Yugoslavia’s current conditions.

        1 year ago

        Hoxha did multiple excellent pieces on the history, practice, and revisionism of the Tito-clique. It's difficult to call them Marxist after everything he brings to light