I've been using Linux Mint almost exclusively for the last 10 years. I've always stuck with Cinnamon, it just works for me. I'm not into fiddling around or fancy effects, my computer/desktop environment is a means to an end for me, that is, using my computer for a purpose, not to spend too much time fiddling around with the computer itself or having the desktop get in the way. Mint also has XCFE and and Mate editions, and I suppose there are ways to put the other desktop environments on it too. What say you? What's your favorite Linux Desktop Environment.

Windows responses get the :gamer-gulag:

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Non-tiling? Gnome. I like the ability to hit super and search things. I've always been more of a dock person over a task bar person too. I never liked the windows UX that cinnamon, xfce, mate like to slightly imitate.

    As far as what I actually use, I've been a minimal config i3-gaps user for a few years, but I recently started getting into xmonad due to better control over having multiple super keys. Additionally, overlapping windows is my pet peeve and nothing annoys me more than alt-tabbing through a pile of windows looking for the right one.

    I don't do a lot of ricing aside from transparent terminals so I can see my wallpaper, but I do enjoy high levels of customization so I can create an environment that mostly gets out of my way and lets me operate my computer more directly with my train of thought.