I've been using Linux Mint almost exclusively for the last 10 years. I've always stuck with Cinnamon, it just works for me. I'm not into fiddling around or fancy effects, my computer/desktop environment is a means to an end for me, that is, using my computer for a purpose, not to spend too much time fiddling around with the computer itself or having the desktop get in the way. Mint also has XCFE and and Mate editions, and I suppose there are ways to put the other desktop environments on it too. What say you? What's your favorite Linux Desktop Environment.

Windows responses get the :gamer-gulag:

  • raven [he/him]
    3 years ago

    You can go ahead and install as many desktops as you like and switch between them on the login screen. Doing this will leave a lot of garbage behind so it's better to go this if you can reinstall easily, but it's a good way to try everything out.

    I run xfce and sway. Mate is really nice as well.