“Brian Berletic of The New Atlas reveals in an in-depth conversation China's shocking secret that the neocons in the US and West are desperately trying to bury.”

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    There is a reason why clickbait titles became a thing. Sadly clickbait works. And why leave this weapon solely in the hands of the enemy?

    I have actually seen a few pro-China channels use clickbaity titles on their videos that sound like they are going to be another low effort anti-China hit piece but in the video itself they pull a bait and switch and give you very objective and factual reporting on China. If we're going to fight the propaganda war in the online media space then we should not shy away from using a few tricks.

    Granted they don't work for every target audience of course, and some may even find them distasteful, but they may help to lure in unsuspecting libs to undo at least a part of their anti-China brainwashing. And every person you manage to reach who unlearns at least some of their anti-China indoctrination may be another person helping to explain to others around them how their negative perception of China is wrong.

    Besides, the people who are most likely to fall for clickbait are also the people who most need to see this kind of video. Maybe those of us who are already pro-China are not the target audience?

    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      Yeah, I don't blame them for using something like this, it did work on me after all, and if I was a rabid China hater I would've clicked on it for sure.