I'm not sure this is the right community.

I've been hoping for a TUI frontend for Lemmy for a while, but unfortunately none came out and I've decided to build a proof of concept on my own.

It's written in python with pythorhead, blessed and chafa.py and it's quite janky.

  • LainOfTheWired@lemy.lol
    6 months ago

    That looks epic!

    Please add the ability to view images with an external image viewer as I find a lot of social TUI apps seem to lack that.

    Add that and you're making my ideal Lemmy client

    • crunchpaste@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      6 months ago

      Thank you, that's so kind! I'll probably try to tackle the comments first as they come quite messy from the api, then I'll probably give the images a go.

      To be honest, I'm hoping this project doesn't get out of my league too quickly as a have almost no experience with working with apis.