• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    To quote you, “Where?” Where did I say that?

    You said "Just because you make that statement doesn’t make it true", perhaps clarify which statement you're referring to then, because based on the thread that's the statement I made that you're disputing.

    Nonetheless, it must be said that aggressive actions do not invalidate genuine defense.

    Once again, an alliance that continuously attacks countries in wars of aggression is not defensive regardless of what it says or what the initial motivations were. It's a demonstrably aggressive alliance with a demonstrated history of aggression.

    The fact that you continue to refuse to acknowledge this basic fact says volumes.

    Way to name drop. Argue a point, not people.

    You made claim that the scholars I reference are not respected geopolitical experts. When I point out a specific geopolitical expert I'm referencing you start going off about name dropping.

    Way to name drop. Argue a point, not people.

    It's not a personal attack, it's a statement of fact that the argument you present is infantile.

    Please, present the facts.

    I have, go back and read this thread where I've presented the facts already.

    What’s false? The fact that I finally replied to you? Do you actually have something meaningful to say?

    I've explained why it's false.

    I haven’t refused to acknowledge anything, I’ve called out the west. What I haven’t acknowledged is your interpretation that “People said Russia would attack if the West behaved as they did, thus Russia is justified in their invasion of Ukraine” as any sort of a reasonable argument.

    Nice straw man there.

    Please, present a reasonable argument for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I’ve asked too many times now.

    I have done so repeatedly. You are either incapable of understanding of what I wrote or you're unwilling to. Either way it's clear that further discussion is pointless.