While looking for an app I stumbled upon this one. I followed much of the "messenger wars", but I never heard of this one before. I know it's Chinese but on paper it is pretty good:

  • E2EE
  • no phone number signup
  • FOSS
  • serverless

I tried it and it works well. Seems to have all the things people like but I never heard it mentioned before, any thoughts?

    • toastal@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      That’s not entirely true. “Source available” could still be read, audited, etc. but does not allow redistribution and/or modification (or restrictions to those such as can only be compiled for personal use or for nonprofits/collectives). Such a project couldn’t be labeled “open source” under the strict definition, but should still meet the important criteria for verifying any claims made about its source.