A lot of the boss fights were fun but the music was pretty unremarkable and the shine spark puzzles were so hand cramping I gave up on 100%ing it. Plus nothing I was collecting was anywhere near as interesting as what the game just gives you (most the energy tanks, all the powerups, most the +10 missles). None of the new moves were that groundbreaking. Ridley also was not in it.

It was fine, just nothing extraordinary. I think I liked Samus Returns more.

  • ShareThatBread [he/him, he/him]
    3 years ago

    Just going to bust out a few thoughts having just completed yesterday.

    Some bosses a bit annoying and took multiple attempts. Raven Beak the absolute hardest of the lot. Felt like you had to fine tune for each boss fight.

    Shinespark puzzles a big pain in the arse for some. Was trying what felt like an hour for one (the one with the incredibly short platform. The setting the spark with down while running forward with left/right made it feel awkward.

    Combat and movement felt great after getting the first few abilities. Really fluid.

    The parry mechanic was ok to meh. Making it part a requirement of some boss fights was just stupid.

    They could have added an easy difficulty. It’s just a game, not a fucking bragging contest. If someone bought it they should reasonably expect to pass it. Don’t gatekeep this shit. It’s boring.