I worship the Sun. It's responsible for all warmth and life on this planet. It is my God, it is in the heavens, and it is real. You can even look at it. But don't you dare look at my God or it will blind you.

AMA because there is no comm for my religion.

  • captcha [any]
    3 years ago
    1. I was tripping on acid and I stepped into the daylight and started doing :praise-it:
    2. Give thanks to it for they day you have.
    3. Yes, pray by being in its light.
    4. More like constantly give thanks and keep things in perspective.
    5. There's no commandments or morality inherent here. Its just the Sun. Not that you shouldnt be moral. The Sun is the source of life, not morality.
    6. When I want my friends to go outside. (Like i am right now)
    7. No
    8. No
    9. I get to teach everyone i meet about my religion and they aren't already annoyed with me like i was a jehovas witness.
    10. They usually laugh but think its cool.