
The typology was created using more than 10,000 survey interviews over an 11-day period this past July. A typical national survey has about 1,000 respondents. This is the eighth typology Pew has created since 1987.

NPR - Feel like you don't fit in either Political Party? Here's why

Would you say you're more "Progressive Left" or "Outsider left?"


  • eXAt [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Read through this article, while the groupings aren't the best I don't necessarily think breaking apart people in these groups is completely useless for research purposes. To anyone wondering almost everyone here would be put into the Outsider left category. The difference between outsider left and progressive left being basically enthusiasm for the Democratic Party. (Of course this entire poll assumes that the farthest left is "very liberal" so there's that issue) .

    Edit: A further thought I've had about this (prompted by another comment here) is that the difference between outsider left and populist right (not the only difference obviously, I'm not engaging in horseshoe theory I promise) is that the populist right seems to be completely engaged with the republican party whereas the "outsider left" is mostly alienated from the political process.

    Of course this article also has a category for alienated right wingers (ambivalent right), however this group seems to be the least reactionary of the right wing groups, whereas the outsider left is the most left wing group (tied with "progressive left" based on the survey questions about racail and social issues, however considering outsider left is the only group that has significant numbers of people saying the US isn't the greatest country I would say they probably win on this) .

    Also this alienated outsider left group makes up about 10% of the population which could be a good base, if they could become engaged.

    One final edit: I noticed this article links to the more detailed polling which shows what I said above about the outsider left being more "anti-america" than progressive left above was just wrong, they have about the same results in this area. Based on the "raw" results it looks like the only thing defining outsider left is being on the American left (how a normie would define that) and not liking the democrats.

    Final edit part 2: the more I look at the tables the more I think most people here probably fit more in the progressive category than outsider category, regardless of the feelings here on the demonrats, I think the article highlighted topics that showed the outsider category being more left wing than the full survey suggested.

    • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Hey I'm not going to read this article and would like to know what the hell the difference between a "democratic mainstay" and an "establishment liberal" is?