Obviously this is gonna be a couple years down the line, so I'm looking for books, videos, tutorials, whatever that can help me get started. Preferably books, but I'll take literally anything because all i know is "seed go in dirt, water dirt"
Obviously this is gonna be a couple years down the line, so I'm looking for books, videos, tutorials, whatever that can help me get started. Preferably books, but I'll take literally anything because all i know is "seed go in dirt, water dirt"
Hey comrade, I've been building and maintaining vegetable gardens for most of my adult life, feel free to message if you have any questions.
What climate are you in? I would highly recommend you consider that any advice you find on the internet can often be limited by your climate.
But honestly if you want to start a community garden you don't actually need to know how to garden yourself, you just need to be able to build the space and get decent soil. Honestly carpentry might be a more useful skilllset than gardening to build a community garden. Members of your community will have a lot of their own wisdom when it comes to what to grow and how.