Idealism is when you think that the world is determined by ideas, materialism is when you think that the world is determined by material. Facts don't care about your feelings! :gun-shapiro:

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Thanks for the answer but I still don't feel as if its a proper response to the article.

      What you're talking about still suffers from the combination problem ( and it doesn't at all explain why our conscious experience is exactly as it is given what we know about evolution.

      If all our conscious experience is derived from the material world it doesn't really make sense for us evolutionarily speaking to experience pain when somebody stabs us or pleasure when we orgasm, it seems as if the contents of our experience could very well be reverse in those cases and our bodies would still react the same as before. In a way it also feels like a fine-tuning problem.

      Why not just give consciousness in of itself causal efficacy and rid yourself of these kinds of problems?