• geikei [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    There are many possible situations

    One possible situation is one where they result from the same revolution or liberatory movement and as a result exist within the same borders/country and neither side after the revolution is by far the most dominant/numerous .Because imo in practice, in our current world, a large scale society/country trying to operating on the lines of anarchist theory imo would still form a state ,even by any other name, it would be the case of different sections of a country opperating in different degrees of centralization and political formation within the same borders. One being a DotP workers state while the rest of the country opperating in a more decentralized federation configuration .You would probably have a general constitution and body with representatives from each society to organize foreign policy, internal trade and consumption, military matters and development plans. In such a case both can be shitty and allienating to the other and both can be prioritized as a target for foreign undermining and destabilization of the project but it can work. And maybe external and internal problems and demands push the whole project into existing closer to one of the two formations, depending on the era and conditions

    If its the case of different ML and anarchist revolutions or movements succeeding in neighbouring countries then it should be easier to workout and coexist. They c can likely coexist in the same manner ML states coexist with non hostile neighbouring countries , or even friendlier. Idk if under existing imperialism, global hegemony would manage to destabilize, attack or infiltrate one first than the other and even use it against the other thus leading to a different situation. Would the ML country intervene against a bourgeois color revolution taking place in the anarchist one or vice versa , would there be pressure from both sides to have common foreign policy and outlook based on the one that is geopoliticaly and economicaly the strongest?

    For the case of small local societies existing within larger revolutions and project of the opposite tendency naturaly we only have had ML large countries and local anarchist communities within them historicaly. Beyond what has been mentioned here semi autonomous (or even fully autonomous since in China or the dprk suprising amonts of decentralization existed) agricultural communities but with no concrete anarchist leaning , semi-anarchist local communes can and have existed small scale after the chinese revolution in some extends and them fizzling out didnt necesserily happen due to sectarian violence or suppression.

    Historicaly what actualy stood against something like that happening was that while ML or just non anarchist parties and revolutions grew massive and strong in colonized or other counties most anarchists domesticaly joined and where absorbed(not by force ususaly) into the party and movement and after it succeeded there werent significant local concentrations of anarchists or organized anarchist blocks within the movement to facilitate a project like that or have demand of it establishing. Also that usualy the years just after a successfull revolution have been characterized by huge instabilities, reaction, civil war and imperialism and that stood against there being fruitfull , trusting and stable enviroment to do anything like that

    Of course on the case of (large ML project, smaller anarchist local movement ) we have sectarian clashes and mistakes particularly durning and just after the Russian Revolution. But again while the bolsheviks may hold most of the blame (talking as an ML) they were much more nuanced and (both sided im afraid to say) situations than internet discourse promotes and again happened within the utterly chaotic, violent , uncertain and pretty much alien to the mind of any westerner enviroment that was post revolution and civil war Russia (1918-mid 1920s) and that was the first large scale proletarian revolution and project ever