but hes right about a lot of things. kind of sad that this 72 year old is one of the most influential intellectual on the left today

edit: I think this post was taken in the wrong way. You should read Zizek, he does have good ideas. I call him a "grifter" not to shut down his ideas, but rather as an acknowledgement of his limitations.

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    3 years ago

    sorry dude but this is a stupid take. He's a grifter because isn't launching a revolution? what the fuck are you doing then?

    • wmz [any]
      3 years ago

      that's not what I said. I think you guys are taking "grifter" too seriously of an accusation. I'm simply saying that he does what he does not because of his commitment to a communist revolution, but rather to make a living and maintain his reputation. basically all academics are grifters in this sense. it doesn't mean that their ideas are inherently invalid, it is just a limitation to be acknowledged when engaging with them.