but hes right about a lot of things. kind of sad that this 72 year old is one of the most influential intellectual on the left today

edit: I think this post was taken in the wrong way. You should read Zizek, he does have good ideas. I call him a "grifter" not to shut down his ideas, but rather as an acknowledgement of his limitations.

    • Yurt_Owl
      3 years ago

      His point on this initially rubbed me the wrong way but its technically correct if you think about it. In general identity within politics is only as revolutionary as the people who's identities are questioned or discriminated against.

      Now if the identity wasn't discriminated against then the identity itself isn't inherently revolutionary on its own. Its the actions of society on those people that makes them revolutionary. Or something. I'm not that intelligent.

      My question is why he felt the need to mention it but I dont really know the context of where the entire discussion started from so I can't draw a conclusion. It does feel like a kind of irrelevant point to make which is why i didn't like what he said.