• LaughingLion [any, any]
    6 months ago

    the "steam" method helps but even then its still going to take 30-45 minutes depending on how fast and loose you want to play with the burner temperatures

    she doesnt mention it here but this method also has the benefit of creating like a broth the onions cook in and the evaporation of the water concentrates that broth. now youd think the same thing would happen when you just do onions by themselves but no there is like some magic that happens this method seems to create a stronger onion flavor which a number of youtubers who have tested this method notice (and i noticed as well when i first tried it)

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      6 months ago

      I'll try that at work when I do onions next time and see how well it holds up on an industrial scale of onions. Generally we just leave a big ass pit on fairly low heat for a couple hours, just the onions, no oil or anything. It's our caramelized onions for the week and setting and forgetting them is no issue but it seems neat

      • LaughingLion [any, any]
        6 months ago

        ah yeah in that case it probably wont matter but honestly i think it makes them more flavorful to me at least and it wont fuck them up or anything so might as well try it at a bigger scale