Natural fit for this website

Mainly we would post links and screenshots of /r/Antiwork, which is mostly a great subreddit and full of pissed off workers ripe for radicalization

Edit: we're doing it in /c/Agitprop - the now dedicated Antiwork comm

    • SerLava [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I wouldn't see it as a life raft - I wouldn't encourage people to come here, just go over there and influence. Like the dunk tank for Twitter dot com. Not sure if that still qualifies as like a "potential inadvertent life raft" situation.

        • SerLava [he/him]
          3 years ago

          It would be primarily for influencing that subreddit, but people could post their own shitty work stories on the hexbear comm if they wanted. I feel like the volume of little comment and thread link posts would get annoying for people trying to like, build and support unions, and I bet it would just get confined into a megathread if we did it in those existing comms.

          • happybadger [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Antiwork is such an amorphous concept that we need a proper radical framing of the sentiments where it can't be suppressed by radlib mods. The subreddit originally turned me off when it was small because so many landlords participated in it, considering themselves anti-work along with cryptonerds and investors. Now it's better but there isn't a lot of real ideological discussion because the subreddit is hostile to :kitty-cri-texas: big ole dang ole tankies.

            The growth of the subreddit is a unique thing to analyse and see what went right. It's like ten times the size chapo was, and the only thing stopping it from being a more radical community is its mod list. That success can be replicated if it's understood and spoken to. The liberal comments in antiwork are what we'll have to counter in any entryist community so they should be particularly highlighted. Having an antiwork community here is a good idea.