'I cannot sleep in peace' - Nazis in Berlin fearful as Red Army marches on
awww boo hoo, a settler gets a taste of their own medicine, wah wah 😭 😭 😭
get fucking used to it. this is the shit palestinians faced on a daily basis.
In the next episode: "I cannot sleep in peace" - Israeli fearful of the spirits of the Palestinian children they killed in air raids
How fucking ridiculous. If the media want to focus on Western voices then the least that they could do is feature somebody who blames their piece of shit government and not ‘Hezbollah’ for bringing them into this mess. Instead it’s just a handful of losers who are utterly oblivious to Palestinians’ plight and think that the Netanyahu régime can fix everything.
It's absurd that like two weeks before netanyahu started killing Palestinians by the thousands, they were calling him a fascist and wanted him out. Then he started doing the thing that makes Zionists all horny.
One should never be allowed a good night's rest in a stolen bed.
Um....I haven't read the article, but do they mention that Israel was bombing Lebanon before Hezbollah did anything?
Is this how history will recall all this?
There is one way to sleep for settlers. It's just a very long term solution.