After making the first thread last week, my dad went into the ER with kidney failure and internal bleeding on Friday night, so that was scary - ultimately, they were able to help his kidneys, and just found out some meds he's on for his foot were fucking with his guts, so he is now home and doing better with adjusted meds!
On top of that, had a final round interview for a new job on Tuesday morning. I took the day off for it so I could do that, then a buddy of mine who runs a local hot sauce company came out and listened to some records with me, and then I walked over to my drummer's apartment to work on a new EP. It was a lovely day!
Hope you're all well, sending love and solidarity!
Thank you!! Glad to hear things are going well for you too :soviet-heart:
Cheers, appreciate that comrade! I'm super hopeful about that job since every single person I talked to in the process gushed over my resume, and it would really improve my material conditions. Enjoy the rest of your week, and have a good one! I'll be checking in on everyone again before the holidays next week, so I hope everyone here continues to have awesome news to share!