Been relaxing this weekend. Time to hit the job search full time again next week. Here we go!!! Something will come through now that everyone is back hopefully.
In other news, I'm playing guitar for my friends spoken word performance. It's been really interesting writing music to that instead of making songs.
I put on a bra! ( also other clothes )
have watched/finished watching 4 movies so far today.
Just cold enough for a fire so I've lit one and am in the process of burning various stuff too sensitive to go into the recycling bin.
The cats are ecstatic, the little heat hogs.About to shave my beard off for the first time in years, being sick has made it go all weird and brittle and it's massively irritating my skin so it's got to go. At least I can't go anywhere so no one has see me without it since it'll grow semi back by the end of the week. may have ended with His Lordship realising he married a covert oompa-loompa, but my first goes at brick cutting and wall building went rather well methinks.
thanks, I'm pretty chuffed. The front seam looks like it's on the same point, but that's aesthetic only on the front - the back is a full on crossover to prevent weak spots. My years of lego have taught me well.
I have a pretty sore back. 😭 Will put on my comfyest PJs, take drugs and watch a million movies over the next few days
Hugs to you. A nice little tipple might help those drugs work a little bit better. Just saying.
I drew a thing and it looked like a thing. Nice. I could learn to art so well if I could just focus. If only you had regular manageable dailies and could see skill points racking up in real life.
(I'm not downloading Habitica.)
You could post them here each day and rack up upvotes instead.
As long as it wasn't a penis I'd like to see what you drew. Others might like to see penises though. Nothing wrong with that.
It's not that! My skills are still pretty rough but I'll see about making stuff to post
Other party outbid me - she named my top price and I wasn't prepared to go further, especially since the body corporate was demanding painting and gutter and downpipe replacement about the time I moved in.
Ah well, I had a feeling I wouldn't get it and a lot of places will be coming onto the market in the next few weeks.Sorry you got priced out :( How do you know about the lots of places coming onto the market?
The way the market works and also the advice of the agent who sold my house.
Two new ones were listed in the last two days so I don't think this year is going to be anomalous.
Study success! First draft has been completed. I'm going to have a break for lunch, walk Mr Woof (always a great way to let my brain rest and quietly process things in the background) and have another look at it later this afternoon before submitting it. I even have a sensible number of words, there is only one section that will require much trimming.
I did a COVID test and it came back negative but still coughing my face off today. Decided I wouldn't go to dinner tonight and cough all over the place. Think I might nap.
Ugh. I fed the catkin at 6pm and napped, woke up at midnight to see she hadn't eaten her food and so hadn't taken her medication.
Removed it and gave her half of her usual dose to tide her over til 6am (mixed into some of her old Fancy Feast Royale) and she ate it. So she just suddenly doesn't like the particular flavour that makes up half the stash of food I bought and it's messing with her meds schedule. She started getting sooky, went between different trays and had the runs so she may have stress induced cystitis. I gave her some anti inflammatory pain meds to help. Also tried to give the other half of the usual pain meds but she won't eat it.
If she keeps this fussy eating up she's going to need her medication syringed into her mouth twice daily to ensure she gets it instead of doing it the easy way :(
I'd also taken her off the Zylkene to see if it actually does anything or whether the cost of that would be better off going to monthly Solensia injections. Jury is out on the Zylkene but she's seeming a bit stiff and I think she would really benefit from the injections.
Edit: She just squatted on the carpet and I wasn't fast enough to get a towel under her. Blood, definitely the cystitis. I've blotted it up, soaked the spot with enzyme spray and have a few towels ready in case I need to save the bedding. Heating her tiny wheat bag for her tummy. We're snorgling now
I've dosed her with her normal pain med and the NSAID this morning before breakfast, some ended up on the sheets but fingers crossed it manages things