• ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Again, everything you are saying is completely devoid of reality and the exactly opposite of what the Minoborony and army themselves have stated. Are you Putin himself? Are you telling me you know more then the Russian Ministry of Defense?

    “Our nameless communist newspapers”? Ok? That’s the best source you have?

    I was in the Gomel Oblast visiting family as the assault itself was underway. A terrible place to be in light of the war, but guess who you got to meet a lot of in a Belarusian border city? Soldiers on leave. Guess what were the things they discussed and the gruesome details they shared? Yes they had seized ground, but they were never supposed to meaningfully hold it, only draw Ukrainian units away from the front line, and they could not sustain their losses or hold their positions with their current supply lines and unit strength, so they were pulling back to redeploy to Donetsk. They were never supposed to achieve “victory” in Kiev.

    Guess what that’s identical to? The Russian MOD outline for why the drive in Kiev was planned! Who would have thought?

    But I’m sorry Marshal Zhukov. You know best, and you are a military genius when it comes to this.

    • mughaloid@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      You are quite eccentric to the point that you have implied that our communist newspaper doesn't exist and they are lying for no reason whatsoever. 🤣

      I don't care if you come from Russia or gomel or etc. I am not a military anything and you are not a military man either but it seems you have a bias against Russian MOD because they didn't right go into kiev Or they did something against your wishes. Russia didn't want to take kiev has been mentioned countless times by Vijay Prashad and John mearsheimer, it is just you are trying to ignore the truth and trying to stick to the old liberal fictional "battle of kiev" Where Ukraine defeated Russia. Well I don't want to be a part this fictional history. For your enlightenment you can watch their early videos . The take on Russian peace negotiations were hidden by western media to carefully craft the proxy war. Bucha propaganda and then fictional "battle of kiev" were the same.
