(Sorry for any possible English mistake, I thought about this and wanted to read someone's idea on or against it but I can't find if there is a movement like it and what it would be called)
Like, we probably all agree that we are against capitalism but in order to achieve socialism (or directly communism) you must first develop the proletarian class as it is what is going to start the revolution.
So is there something like anarcho-communism, where they are opposed to having a socialist state as a way to develop communism, but that still believes in the importance of a socialist state in a utilitarian way to develop it's own group of revolutionaries ?
An idea according to which a socialist state will never achieve communism (for whatever reason, like the small difference between classes under socialism before it turns into communism that might become reactionaries and roll back change even under a dictatorship of the proletariat or something else) but there is going to be one more revolution starting from the (relative) bottom in the socialist state.
Because from my basic understanding of ML for example, the transition between socialism and communism is supposed to be smooth. But maybe I'm wrong ? Feel free to correct me on anything.
(this might ruffle some feathers but it directly addresses your question and gives background on anarcho-communism. yes it is sectarian but it is critical, not name-calling.)
aimixin on statelessness and the true distinction between anarchists and Marxists:
as a follow-up, here's aimixin on transition in modes of production, it's not exactly what you asked about transition but it's relevant:
These are excellent, where was this posted?
I believe aimixin is a reddit account
OP has since deleted all their comments 😧
Good post comrade. Thanks for sharing this excellently compiled little explainer.
Posts equivalent to 5 pages from a book in a single comment
Spoken like a true Marxist. :)