Hey there, if I pinged you that is because you had expressed interest in play-testing Realm of Bastions (TTRPG). If you are interested and want to make a character go for it, I'll be capping the amount of people in a single play by post campaign to 4 so if there is more interest I'll run more than one.
Included in the post and subsequent comments will be a game description, lore description, mechanic description, character generation process, and relevant materials for that.
As always if you have interest in reading the whole (250) page .pdf please message me and I'll give the download link.
The Realm of Bastions core rule-set will always be pay what you can as it is important to provide this to anyone who is interested in playing.
Realm of Bastions is a classless & race-less table top role-playing game that promotes shared story-telling. The world that it is based on explores many conflicts in society that are relevant even today, and the encounters may bring up a range of emotions. The Realm of Bastions is aesthetically inspired by Western, Science Fiction, and Fantasy genres exploring some conflicts present in those genres.
The Realm of Bastions is similar yet distinct from the modern world, and will contain themes relating to Technology vs. Magic, tradition vs. innovation, oppressors vs. oppressed, urban vs. rural, among others.
Each Encounter can be designed collectively as an entire group, a single person, or any number in between. The game is designed so that every part of the table top role playing experience can be done so through the Encounter building tools.
The intent of the game is to build friendship through the experiencing of challenging, gritty Encounters while role-playing characters that are capable yet vulnerable. Each player will make difficult choices with their character both in a narrative sense as well as within the mechanics of the game itself.
The game uses a large amount of options to create Actors and then Encounters for which to role-play these characters. The group of players then weave these Actors and Encounters together to create a shared narrative while progressing the Abilities of the Actors.
In the Play by post I will be creating the encounters, I will use another post as the "play by comment" post, this one is where I would like your character to be posted.
In the format of:
Current/Max Stamina: /
Life Paths Experienced:
Active Ability Pool:
Physical Inventory:
Mental Inventory:
Faction Limit:
Faction Points:
For each Life Path experienced please include one to two sentences describing the way the Life Path contributed to the development of the character. In addition please include a physical description of the character.
I'll provide a sample character to help make this more clear.
This is one of the first few times I have run this with others so please be patient and ask as many questions as you can they help me!
Setting pt.3
Inners/Middles Guard Towers
Middles/Outers Guard Towers and Bridges
Silver Wolf Tavern
High Priestess Hokaine’s Missionary
Warehouse & Factory District
The Dusties
Salu’s Ka’mel Jousting Ring and Bazaar
Cliff-side Fisheries
The sewers
setting pt.4
Outer Bastion
The largest region of the Realm by far, the terrain of Outer Bastion is varied and fantastic. The Northern most region consists of the vast Dragon Mountains that start at the Dragon’s Maw Volcano in the Northeast territory of Zeu’Ka. The highest peaks are in the Northern Permafrost known as the Dragon’s Spine. Some of the most fertile lands are in the Tou’Ka Lowlands just south of the Dragon’s Spine. In the Northwest the Dragon’s Tail section of the Dragon Mountains curves around the Sand-Dunes of Zol’Ka becoming the Western Foothills by combining with the hills of the Mirage Mountains. The Mirage Mountains border the Southern Region of Outer Bastion, the highest peaks of the Mirage Mountains are in the Southeast by Phen’Ka. The snow-pack of these peaks feed the Trickle of the Fens of Madness. As the Mirage Mountains trend westward they quickly diminish in size in the Southern region before jutting upwards in the Southwest creating the Red Pillars before getting rapidly diminishing in size to become the Western Foothills just past Lake Den’Ka. Some ‘Ka explorers tell tales of traversing the Dragon Mountains and finding themselves in the Mirage Mountains as well as the inverse.
Northwestern Sand-dunes
Northern Lowlands
Northeastern Volcanic Region
Skyward Monolith
Fens of Madness
Setting pt.5
Ruins of Zol’Ka
Red Pillars
Lake Den’Ka
The Worm Trail
The Skies of Bastion