• voight [he/him, any]
      5 months ago

      This right wing culture war psyop is gigantic. I need to format this in a way people can digest it. Why is the reddit gnome porn girl who says she showers a few dozen times per year running cover for some weird libertarian influencer who got arrested for CSA

      Hinkle is shitcoating the hannibal directive story saying it's like "george floyd dying from fentanyl", posting ai images, flailing around badly when presented with actual israeli influencers musk pushes in spaces, focusing energy on the same anti woke shit as them, threading in pointless hashtags, posting images that are used by syria regime change people as a byword for Syria-Iran-Russia war crimes in contrast to the perfect spotless US policing of Syria and the rest of the Middle East and really effective anti ISIS policy 🙃 sorry just tapped that out real quick bc I'm just like, where is everyone? Why do we just take these ppl at face value? Or say they're Russian assets? This guy has got DC credentials

        • voight [he/him, any]
          5 months ago

          The embeds are broke in the archive but here

          If u search under this guy in thread reader you'll see what I mean but I'm tryna post the actual examples of disinfo and link them to the larger Syria psyops now. Maybe I should actually make that #2

    • voight [he/him, any]
      5 months ago

      I mean there's a lot of stuff he was doing I'm formatting the other posts they made rn