It's like who's making the stories and creating the art designs and characters for these things? If the world was full of engineers.... I don't even wanna think about it... I just kinda felt like getting that off my chest.
EDIT: I'm talking about STEMlord types here, just to be clear. Not STEM majors, but the specific type that loves to lord over the fact that they are superior to other majors. And I say this as someone who did STEM myself but only came to really appreciate the humanities much later.
EDIT 2: This clip from Jurassic Park is so critical here:
In cinematic design jargon, the sort of things that "mathematically best art" includes are called greebles. It's just extra detail to show off how detailed the model is, but can become confusing to look at.
See, for example, the bad guy's ship in 2009's Star Trek, or the Klingon ship designs in Discovery. Greebles greebles greebles. That's the power of math! :cringe: