Earth on the eve of the Invasion was a world in crisis. Decades of imperialism and ecological degradation saw mass uprisings of the poor across the globe. As humanity saw the destruction of the world soon approaching, a telescope in orbit around Earth captured a monumental discovery. From the edge of the solar system an alien craft was detected, the researchers on the ground shared their readings and confirmed them with other organizations, Aliens were here. With the scientific community abuzz the rumors began leaking to the public and soon there were those both denying and accepting the existence of this craft in the media. Speculation was allowed little time to develop as the invasion began. Across the planet, bombs fell from alien crafts onto major cities, the hysteria began. Religious leaders of all creeds declared this the end times, or the return of their god, or simply punishment for the wickedness of man. Civil governments collapsed and rioting and violence broke out across the globe. The first landings occurred during this time, otherworldly creatures embarked from drop-pods and landing craft, abductions were widespread, as were the dead, over six hundred million people died in the first six months of the war. Initial shock of the invasion fading, certain groups came together to plan a counterattack. The United Nations unanimously passed the Earth Defense Act, forming the United Earth Defense Forces, an organization given carte blanche to do whatever necessary to protect mankind. Several fortified bunkers and naval fleets became the regional headquarters of the UEDF, such as the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in North America or the PLAN Fleet. Other groups fought back on their own. With Alien ground forces beginning a slash-and-burn campaign in the Amazon against the hundreds of thousands of refugees who fled to the mighty forest for protection, a myriad of militias began a guerilla campaign against the invaders. As the war’s first decade came to its end the UEDF scored many small victories against the Invaders, the Xeno strike-craft were reverse engineered, and a small UEDF air force was able to contend with the alien pilots. Due to the losses taken because of the UEDFAF and other human air forces the Invaders ceased daytime bombing raids, deeming them too costly. Other technological breakthroughs were made through research of Xenotech: In China PLA scientist developed plasma weaponry and rapidly shifted armament production to the creation of these new weapons. By 2048, seventeen years since the invasion began, Plasma Rifles, Fusion Spacecraft, Cybernetic Soldiers, and many more advancements had been made, and despite all that humanity had lost, the winds were shifting. In 2051 the nations of the UEDF began collaborating on opening a new front. So far human forces were able to contend with alien forces on the land and in the skies of Earth, but in orbit around the planet the Invader’s massive gunships were uncontested. In Shanghai and Los Angeles, supermassive factories were built capable of constructing starships that could go toe-to-toe with the Alien forces in orbit. The invaders discovered this fact and began some of the largest campaigns yet seen in the war against these vital cities, but the defenses held, and the fusion-powered starship factories began outputting a war fleet. By 2055, a fleet of 120 starships had been constructed, with sailors trained to crew them. As the war entered its final stage the Alien language was deciphered. The invaders, who called themselves the Naromix, were a collection of nearly 20 different sub-species developed through intense gene manipulation. The motives for the invasion were not discovered, but the fact that retreat was being considered by their high command was unearthed. With the knowledge that the Naromix were on their last legs the UEDFAF launched their ships into orbit, soon after battle was joined against the Main Naromix fleet. As dozens of ships from both sides were destroyed, they fell to the earth below, the great mass of their hulls caused them to cling together, falling in the fields of North Kansas. Many of the reactors of this mass of metal went critical as they landed, the resulting explosion was felt as far away as Dallas. The crater formed was nearly 200 miles in diameter and 1 mile deep, as the Naromix fleet was defeated and the few surviving ships limped back to their bases on Io and Mars the crater took the name that it is known as now, Victory Crater. The victory in the skies above Earth did not come without great cost. The Alien Flagship in retreat fired its remaining payload at the surviving major cities of Earth. Nuclear hellfire rained down upon Shanghai, Vienna, and dozens of others. Shanghai managed to neutralize most of the nuclear weapons targeting mainland China with their newly constructed laser defense system, The resulting fallout and nuclear winter would see the deaths of nearly one billion persons in the next 20 years. If the nuclear Armageddon was not enough, Naromix commandos infiltrated the defenses of Los Angeles and unleashed a biowarfare agent upon the city. This disease caused those infected to become incredibly violent and attack others who, if bitten or scratched, would also continue the spread. Zombies. Within days Los Angeles was overrun with the UEDF stretched too thin around the world to attempt to contain the infection. While the fighting would continue for several more years against the Alien forces stranded by the retreat of their fleet, and the resource wars between humans had yet to begin, the Invasion was over. Humanity had endured.

  • StuporTrooper [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Neonazis aping Viking and neopaganism aesthetics but also actually building boats and raiding people along the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi. "Children of Ragnarok" or something because of the ends times. They fight aliens but are just as willing to fight humans, especially raiding minority communities. These should be "bad."

    • Thorngraff_Ironbeard [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I do like this. Be interesting seeing them meet Aryan Nation, which is the largest raider group in Texas after the war.