My band is auditioning a new member tonight, someone to either play bass/make noise, or a combo of both. On top of that, instead of getting fired at work last week, I got a raise, so feeling good about that. Waiting to hear back from a new job about moving onto the second round interview!

This is just a general thread of positivity, the prompt is just to get the ball rolling. Sending love and solidarity to each of you :heart

  • Kanna
    9 days ago

    deleted by creator

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      3 years ago

      Of course! Glad people are getting something from it!

      That's awesome on SMT, I've got P4G installed - played 60 hours over the start/first summer of the pandemic, but left off at the extra dungeon where I KNOW I LOSE ALL MY GEAR so I've been dragging ass on finishing it. Never played an SMT game, I assume it's the same kind of mechanics as a Persona game?

      Good luck on the energy drinks!

      • Kanna
        9 days ago

        deleted by creator

        • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
          3 years ago

          It really peeves me when there's a mandatory "lose all your gear" segment in games, so part of me wonders if I'll ever pick it up again.