It even has drug induced brainwashing and coercive sex slavery, and it sees its inner circles (and the sufficiently devout) as gods in the making. This is full Thetan tear lunacy, but because totemic magic words like "SCIENCE" and "LOGIC" are slapped all over the outer walls, it hasn't gotten the same scrutiny.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This entire cult is based on the babbling of one particular Harry Potter fanfiction writer that got paid a lot of money by billionaires for his "research" at the grift known as "MIRI."

    Note how many Harry Potter references are in this thread's link? That is no accident. If we're talking about a weird nerd's diary, this is like several other weird nerds that have already banded together around that diary's writer and were writing manifestos of their own about which teachers and students they wanted to murder or violate. Also, the weird nerd's dad has a creepy rich friend that keeps giving him money for treats.

    Also, that same weird nerd has already drugged classmates and molsted them while they were under the influence, bragging about it in the diary. Big Yud openly brags about drugging and other mind control experiments on women.

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      2 years ago

      So... is this particular author the one who got paid a lot of money? Is this Big Yud, or is that someone totally different?

      Also, I scrolled to the comments and found (from the author):

      Multiple people who were involved or knew the people involved have since informed me that the statutory rape coverup did in fact happen. And furthermore, that MIRI paid out to the blackmail.

      I no longer fund or consider positive MIRI and CFAR for reasons that this is part of, an infohazard very important for understanding psychology, to be revealed in an upcoming post.

      It seems like they have the cult's brainworms but are also kinda calling shit out? Idk the rambling isn't super intelligible and I could be wrong, but I think you might be being overzealous against this particular person.

      Edit: Apparently she protested against MIRI and CFAR handing out flyers calling them fascist TERFs who betrayed the rationalist community. Just saying.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Elizer Yudkowsky's bad Harry Potter fanfiction provided the dogma and jargon that they are all using, including the "spells" being talked about in the "thought experiments."

        I'm sure that some Scientologists could cite L. Ron Hubbard quotes while arguing about the ethics of Sea Og, too.

        • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
          2 years ago

          Wow you totally owned that person who's calling out abuse by a cult using the language of said cult, by pointing out that the language she's using the language of a cult.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I'm not sure what you're getting at, but your hostility seems kind of uncalled for.

            I was mostly focusing on the cult's upper echelons and its leader(s), and cited this (ex) member's own blog as a basis for the scary stuff it does and continues to do.

            Going back to the Sea Og comparison, that was to say that plenty of Scientologists are well meaning, especially former members, but the damage was still done and it sometimes shows in the jargon carrying on.

            • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
              2 years ago

              cited this (ex) member’s own blog as a basis for the scary stuff it does and continues to do.

              So... you're not dunking on the author, but rather citing her as a source? Because that was not the impression I got from the post or any of the comments on here.

              Like, if you didn't know what her deal was you can just admit it, if so it's an honest mistake. It's borderline impossible to make heads or tails of any of this shit so I wouldn't blame you. I'm not trying to call you out, I just felt uneasy about dunking on her once I read a bit further into the post.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                2 years ago

                Yes, actually. I'm not dunking on the author as much as citing her blog as a basis for talking about the mind warping rabbit hole that is LessWrong and related "rationalist" cults.

                What I was saying is that her experience reminds me a lot of ex-Scientologists that are still talking in the jargon (and thinking by the jargon's precepts) long after they have left.

                My mistake was not making it more clear who I was focusing on with the blog as only the basis for further discussion, and yes, dunking on capital-r "Rationalists" that receive the lion's share of funding from their billionaire friends.

                • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
                  2 years ago

                  Ok yeah, in that case that was not clear at all. Maybe next time either explain wtf we're supposed to get from the link or find a source that the average person can interpret coherently.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    I am sorry that what I wrote I was unclear.