The Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down an Il-76 aircraft over Belgorod.

The IL-76 military aircraft was transporting 65 Ukrainian POW for exchange with Russian POW, along with 6 crew members and 3 escorts.

The captured Ukrainian servicemen were being transported to the Belgorod region for exchange.

Another Il-76 carrying 80 Ukrainian prisoners of war turned back, said the head of the Duma Defense Committee Andrei Kartapolov.

“The Ukrainian leadership was well aware of the impending exchange and was informed of how the prisoners would be delivered,” he said during a speech in the State Duma

After the crash of the IL-76 in the Belgorod region, prisoner exchanges between the Russian Federation and Ukraine will apparently be put on pause.

  • 小莱卡
    8 months ago

    Whose plane it was? If it was a Russian plane its obvious Ukraine did it. There would be an argument if the plane was Ukranian.

      8 months ago

      It was Russian. But NAFO are always claiming Russia shells its own people in Donetsk so it's not a big leap from that to Russians shooting down their own plane. It doesn't have to make sense. Plenty of westerners will buy it because they have been sold on the idea of Russians being comic book villains who do evil things that make no logical sense just because they're evil.

        8 months ago

        Yeah, destroy an expensive aircraft, kill pilots, crew, escort, POWs for exchange just to show how mean and evil you are.

        What a fucking cursed timeline.

        8 months ago

        This is a bit of a tangent but It's really bizarre seeing people be Pro-Ukraine and Pro-Palestine when the former are the exact kind of people you oppose in the latter. Because this whole "Russians are too stupid to do x, y and z" "They're naturally violent" "They're always schemeing" word for word the exact same thing the zionists say about Gazans.