Not even saving the world is enough for these fuckers… And it’s always the same shit. Like we all learned about the Molotov-Ribbentrop shit in school. Like all the other bullshit propaganda. Why would this piece of propaganda be true? They accept at face value that their government and schools lied to them. But not about the Soviets! That is all true!
People like talking so much about Molotov-Ribbentrop, but they conveniently forget about the Munich Agreement that preceded it, and was likely the major catalyst for it:
England and France basically gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler, without Czechoslovakia even being represented in the room. The Soviets are bad for taking Polish areas that used to be Soviet areas just 20 years prior, so the Nazis wouldn't take them.
England and France did it for "peace in our times", but the Soviets did it because Stalin and Hitler were best buds?
England and France did it because they wanted to avoid a repeat of WW1, but the Soviets did it because they apparently didn't suffer enough in WW1.
England and France did it because they didn't know any better at the time, but Molotov-Ribbentrop was apparently signed after everybody knew Hitler was evil (i.e. starting WW2) - Just in case the sarcasm is a bit confusing here, Molotov-Ribbentrop was signed before England and France declared war on Germany, so before WW2 broke out in Europe.
And of course, England and France were appalled and surprised at the Soviet Union's stance, but the Soviet Union is not allowed to be appalled when England and France are trying to bribe Hitler with the annexation of other countries and refusing to join an anti-Nazi alliance.
Lest we forget, France was Czechoslovakia's ally. France, Czechoslovakia and the USSR had signed a mutual assistance treaty specifically against Nazi Germany a couple years back. France's betrayal of Czechoslovakia was a much worse act than the invasion of hostile Poland by the Soviets.
(Also, let's not forget the Vienna Awards)