
  • Amerikan
    8 months ago

    I'm not debating this with you. I'm emphasizing my disgust, both with the fact that this picture exists, and with crackers that feel the need to drag this shit out into the light of day-- and right now, I'm about disgusted with you too. I'm pretty sure I've told you to stay out of my inbox a couple fuckin' times, so hopefully, this time takes: stay the fuck out my inbox if you're gonna sit there and try to make my discomfort, disgust, and contempt for the necessity to post pictures of documentation, ergo, PUBLICIZE fuckin Klansmen as a point to fuckin debate.

    We are not cool, we're barely even comrades by dint of being in the same space. Stay out. Don't even respond. Just stay out. Because yeah; what it says to me when someone wheels out a family member's Klan cert, that tells me that one, the poster more often than not is whiter than the driven snow, that two, their bloodline is probably that way all the way up to colonial times, and that three, they probably have inordinate amounts of cracker shit still lurking in the back of their brain that they haven't even STARTED to process yet.

    So yeah. If I don't know someone well enough to have a read on them, and I see some shit like this, I'm judging them as a threat immediately. The fact that you conveniently just don't seem to get that tells me all I need to know to know that I am not interested in having this conversation further with you, or anyone who thinks it's a good idea to follow your example.

      8 months ago

      Jesus Christ. Block me then. You made a comment, and then explode when someone responds to it without immediately bowing down and worshiping every word you say like a gospel. I get there's a lot of history behind why you feel this way, and I'm not trying to minimize it though debate, but you can't just throw tangents out there and then act like someone threatened your life when they ask why you think that way. Which seems to be extreme assumptions and generalizations. That second paragraph is downright insane.

      Also thanks for acting like because I didn't kiss your ass or immediately call for the OP to be shot that mean I'm apparently a KKK sympathizer. The same group of deranged fucks that want me and my family dead for multiple reasons.