Basically, I think a good way to encourage members of the site to read more political theory would be to put some kind of marker on their profile or next to their name that shows how much and what kinds of political theory they have read. I also hope this would have the secondary effect of allowing lurkers who see disagreements to get a better feel of which side has a stronger basis for their position.

Maybe something simple like marking which accounts participate in the weekly reading series, and make it a riff on challenge coins or something.

Edit: I should specify that it would be awarded to people that are participating in discussion groups and such as a way to signify who is involved in the education side of the community.

Edit 2: Fuck It, I have been convinced that this is a bad idea. Instead how about a weekly what are you reading thread?

  • TheGreenOx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Very possible I’m misunderstanding the point though. I think keeping a cumulative list of people who’ve participated in the on-Hexbear reading group discussions isn’t a bad idea if the comrades that organize the reading groups don’t mind the work of maintaining that list from thread to thread, if that’s more along the lines of what you’re suggesting?

    I think this is closer to the point I was getting at. Just figured it might be useful to know who is involved in the educational side of the community, and maybe give them something special to draw people in. Probably prohibitively difficult to do, but the original post was just a random idea I thought might be interesting to discuss.