Not gonna lie... It scared me when they mentioned that we only have 2025-2031 to properly reduce emissions and save at least half of humanity.

Also, it was interesting how they mentioned the fossil fuel tactics that are similar to the cigarette industry on distorting data.

Is it true that we have so little time left?

    5 months ago

    Blaming fossil fuel companies will not work without addressing the de facto international command economy under Pax Americana and Bretton Woods institutions that lead the expansion of Capitalism and Neo-Liberalism under the pretense of 'globalism'. The Capitalists will always find a way to produce pollution without fossil fuel as a method to externalize consequence of their actions to developing countries and Indigenous groups. For example, the inability of Capitalism to deal with negative externality allow the Pax Americana to dump toxic factory chemicals and landfill with highly toxic leachate into federal reserve concentration camps to massacre the North American First Nation people until the Indigenous people forfeit their property ownership rights and the reparation for the fake school Holocaust that became the Nazi Holocaust. The solution is to implement a Socialist system where the government serve the working class and marginalized groups in place of the current Pax Americana system that allow the rich 1% to free ride on the poor 99% to 'produce' the non-existent trickle down effect that justifies authoritarianism.

    • 中国共产党万岁
      5 months ago

      allow the Pax Americana to dump toxic factory chemicals and landfill with highly toxic leachate into federal reserve concentration camps to massacre the North American First Nation people until the Indigenous people forfeit their property ownership rights and the reparation for the fake school Holocaust that became the Nazi Holocaust.

      can you elaborate on how the First Nation holocaust became the Nazi Holocaust?

        5 months ago

        Yea that is worded kinda poorly.

        I know that many corporations dumped industrial waste in Indian reservations, but IDK what what that has to do with the federal reserve.

        I know that the Nazi's admired the US's "manifest destiny" against indigenous peoples and applied it to eastern Europe as "libenstram"

        "Fake school holocaust" might be refering to the ethnic cleansing of indiginous people to either get beaten to death or forget their original language. These "schools" were brutal. Many died.