Not gonna lie... It scared me when they mentioned that we only have 2025-2031 to properly reduce emissions and save at least half of humanity.

Also, it was interesting how they mentioned the fossil fuel tactics that are similar to the cigarette industry on distorting data.

Is it true that we have so little time left?

    5 months ago

    Thanks for sharing your experience on this. Is your community rallying behind adaptive measures for these type of events? or how are you planning to tackle this in the near future?

    Honestly, in my region, we are seeing droughts last longer and lower food yields(Mexico). I worry that I won't be on time with some measures to prepare for this upcoming shit storm.

      5 months ago

      The area is rabidly reactionary and hostile to the idea of climate change. There is a stark divide between the classes here, and the poor are incredibly uneducated, religious, and angry, and thus, easy for reactionary forces to manipulate. Further, everything is very spread out, and despite there being a massive number of people here, everything is a 15 minute car ride away from everything else.

      Little to no change has been taken or is planned. This is made worse because of the major economic drivers in the area other then farming are natural gas fracking, coal mining, chemical manufacturing, and shale oil extraction. These industries control the local legislative bodies and they have sat on their hands. From my window I can see a major railyard, and like clockwork everyday, there are multiple enormous coal trains pulling hundreds of carriages full of anthracite coal from coal mines in the mountains. Those carriages are headed to a major port city 150km away, where that coal is loaded onto cargo ships and sold across the globe.

      Crop yields are lower, the summer months are near unlivable, as it is 35-42c from nearly late April to mid September. It used to be that we would get a maybe a few hot weeks (roughly 35c) in July and August at best, but it has gotten exponentially worse. This has exacerbated droughts, and farmers are forced to drain more and more groundwater. People are also forced to pump more AC in order to simply not die of heatstroke, as many of the houses have been built for decades to be highly insulated against the harsh and long winters that no longer exist.

      Its gotten so bad that even a few of the far-right reactionaries have started mumbling about how "There isn't as much snow nowadays as when I was a kid". But I fear they will not wake up soon enough.

      We are diving head-first into catastrophe.

          5 months ago

          You want me to dox myself? Really? Did you really just ask someone for identifiable information in an online forum?

          Did you think that question through at all? Even if I told you the country, then the region, and precise area I’m talking about would be fairly easy to deduce. Last thing I need is literal identifying information linked to my account.

          You want my age, profession, and eye colour too?

                        5 months ago

                        Could you please stop guessing if that’s alright? I humored a few jokes earlier like the Alberta one, but I genuinely am very conscious about my location being attached to this account and doxxing myself. I consider it pretty dangerous, and an unnecessary risk.

                        BC is a nice place though from my experience, much better then Alberta, but sadly 98% of it is centered in Vancouver and Victoria. Would be a nice city if a 500sq ft bungalow wasn’t 1.5 million dollars.

                        My travels have taken me to several of the smaller communities and fishing towns along the coast. Those were very interesting places, and I enjoyed my time there. Port Hardy, Kyuquot, Sullivan Bay, Port Mcneill, Port Alice; all fun experiences.

                        So I ironically have experience with BC, but I would not really want to talk about where I live, or even the general area in the world.

                      5 months ago

                      I never said the port was on the ocean dipshit. Many major rivers, bays, harbors, and deltas are deep enough to accommodate port facilities.

                      You also seem to have forgotten about the existence of greenhouse farming. Which is another funny one.

                      You’re fucking deranged. Want my home address while your at it?

              5 months ago

              This is so comically wrong that it’s hilarious. You’re so deadset on your theories you’ve overlooked several massive options to an astounding degree.

              Also over the top? You think asking a person on a forum who’s received death threats and been stalked by mentally ill posters for several months is overreacting when you ask them to tell you where they live?

        5 months ago

        I am sorry comrade. From what you are telling us, it feels hopeless to even try to organize something.