Not gonna lie... It scared me when they mentioned that we only have 2025-2031 to properly reduce emissions and save at least half of humanity.

Also, it was interesting how they mentioned the fossil fuel tactics that are similar to the cigarette industry on distorting data.

Is it true that we have so little time left?

    5 months ago

    I mean you covered some pretty serious solutions, but the only things I can think of (I'm not an expert) are the indoor/vertical/hydroponic farming mentioned above, or genetically modifying crops to withstand horrible conditions, or the good 'ole painting houses and streets white to lower temperatures.

    There's probably a lot more information out there, but I'm just not aware of most of it. I know mostly about how bad things are, not necessarily how we should fix it quickly.

    It goes without saying the only way we sustainably fix it will be under socialism.