I am not making an argument against the new policies, but I am asking for an expansion. If terms like 'Karen' and 'glowie' or le pol face are going to go the way of the dodo on this website, we should also consider a soft ban on using 'incel' as an insult. Discussion of self identified incels or incel culture should be encouraged in order to better understand male and female response to alienation, but using it as an insult becomes counter-productive to actually discussing those issues.

This is in light of multiple instances where I have seen people use 'incel' as an insult and people who have self depreciated as incels on c/mental health. This is not a critical issue for me, as I will likely use this forum regardless of the policy, but it is a compromise I wish to see if the forum is going to move further away from leftist shit posting douchebaggery and more towards discussion. If we are going to get into sexual politics, we should get into sexual politics and not use those sexual politics as insults.