I feel like many users are excited about the prospect of the United States eating shit in this geopolitical struggle. We should be against US imperialism full stop. However, the prospect of the US failing is making some users too giddy about Ukraine failing as well since the two are tied together right now.

I’ve seen comments with the crab dance about Ukraine, the Ukrainian flag burning emoji when the situation is not even applied to Ukrainian neo Nazis, blatantly saying Kievan Rus was actually Russia when that’s not even the historical consensus.

The United States is using Ukraine as a pawn and forcing Ukraine to take a harsh stance against Russia. It’s not a sovereign nation and Putin does not care about the well-being of Ukrainian citizens. Does Russia have legitimate gripes against NATO? Absolutely but we’re teetering on Putin apologia and sharing RT news uncritically.

Idk mods, it would be nice to have a reminder that the working class of Ukraine suffers and talk of “Ukraine ending” should be frowned upon.

Edit: I’m sorry for not including I’m not living in Ukraine but my family came to the US as refugees.