• MelodiousFunk@startrek.website
    vor 5 Monaten

    I'm one of those heathens that read through for the first time in publication order. The ancient civilization side trips were a bit disorienting at first but I managed.

    • TheCaconym [any]
      vor 5 Monaten

      It's good right up until the last two books or so (thinking specifically of Snuff, but also Raising Steam here), where Vimes becomes a complete parody of himself, and there is also a large drop in quality.

      Maybe Pratchett's disease had something to do with it.

      • huf [he/him]
        vor 5 Monaten

        raising steam was disjointed and its second half felt like a farewell to the discworld. and yeah, snuff is just a rambling mess.

    • BestBouclettes@jlai.lu
      vor 5 Monaten

      You can do whatever I think, either read them by series (rincewind, witches, city guard, etc.) or by publishing order, starting with the colour of magic.

  • Neato@ttrpg.network
    vor 5 Monaten

    I was the weird one and started with The Color of Magic and didn't regret it. Weird Pratchett advised to skip 2 of his own books.

    • alex [they, il]@jlai.lu
      vor 5 Monaten

      I think starting with Color of Magic is just fine, IF you know and enjoy classic heroic fantasy. Otherwise it's very hard to enjoy without understanding what tropes it's mocking.

  • Skelectus@suppo.fi
    vor 5 Monaten

    Funny how you made this post now. I decided to get into Discworld very recently and finished Mort just the day before.