I hated the Sword and Shield starters, so I'm pretty surprised that I ended up liking all three of the Scarlet and Violet starters.

The fire starter is the best tho, look at this chill little dude!

If you want to see all three starters yourself here

The region looks like it might be based on spain? I don't know. Anyone else have an idea what they're basing the region off of? The trailer here shows a bit of it off

Looks like they're continuing the open-world theme from Legends, seems rad. A little worried that a new game is coming out so soon, it will probably be rushed sadness

But whatever, it looks good so far and I just want to enjoy a little hype as a treat because everything fucking sucks right now.

So, what do you think and what starter do you like the most? Do you have your own hype, doubt or speculations? Share!