My Thinkpad p50 came stock with a terrible BOE display that I despise, the colours are awful and the backlight is worse. I know you can swap it out for less crappy displays, I'm just wondering if there's any reason that this Samsung OLED panel (the only one I could find on panelook with the seemingly correct specs) wouldn't work. If anyone could double check this before I blow like $250CAD on a display that'd be super.

  • Yurt_Owl
    8 months ago

    There is basically no info since eDP is a closed spec but since its in laptops and laptops have no real need for backwards or forwards compat I'd say a strong no.

    Some odd forums hint at a compatibility between 1.3 and 1.4 but from really odd sources.

    I'd strongly suggest just getting a compatible IPS but its up to you.