Currently feeling down after a couple of the groups I GM/play in went on indefinite hiatus due to scheduling and burnout issues. Elden Ring temporarily filled the void, but I am looking to try and start a new campaign. Normally, I'd be the one to develop a premise and pitch a game, but I'm finding it hard right now for some reason, and could honestly use prompts.

Honestly, I'd probably be up to run anything other than D&D/Pathfinder at this point. I'd prefer to run a Year Zero Engine, Forged in the Dark, Powered by the Apocalypse, or some other indie game. I can definitely learn and teach systems, and would prefer something less trad-gamey.

If you're interested, let me know. Scheduling is always a pain, but we might be able to work something out. For starters, let's say a US time zone, and I would be most available on weekday evenings/Saturday afternoons. It'd also need to be a voice game, since I have found that I haven't been able to successfully GM a text-based or PbP game.

  • JohnBrownsBussy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    That's probably more realistic for now. I can try putting something together.