What unusual foodstuffs do they cultivate in your worlds? I'll start, on one of my sci-fi worlds (not named yet, but it's a typical colony on an alien planet sort of deal) a modified variety of ginger has become a staple crop. The unmodified variety was one of the first things the colonists could get to grow in the alien soil. When efforts to adapt most Earth staples failed they instead re-engineered those plants they could grow to be more nutritious. The ginger was spliced with genes from many different vegetables but primarily yams. The resulting crop retained most of the original flavor but is starchier and a bit sweeter than traditional ginger, with a firmer, grainier texture than a yam or potato.

  • quartz242 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    "The primary crop grown is Tassalroot a large tuber used in various ways as the primary form of sustenance for the people of Bastion, especially Middle Bastion. The flowers are dried and used as a smoked intoxicant while the fibrous leaves are used to create strands for clothing or other textiles. The use of Magic is essential here as the lack of rainfall in the Realm of Bastions means that Water Magic or fetching water through bucket pulleys anchored to the Outer Walls is the only means by which to irrigate the massive Farmlands. Some Noble Families pay to have small sections of Farmland worked for their needs, usually a rare plant from Outer ‘Ka used to spice food or pharmacology. "