• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Oh cool 3/4 of them gave full, straight into the camera face-shots.

    The only militaries who behave like this are those who know, or think they know, that they'll never face a single sliver of justice or retribution for their actions. They don't even fear their own commanders, clearly, who in any sort of real, organized military would have them all court martialed (or whatever equivalent) and probably dismissed from the military pretty promptly.

    But they all look young. At most in their 30s, but probably much younger. Today they "know" there won't be justice for them. I wonder if there will be justice or even vengeance in the next 10, 20, 50 years?

    That's something I think about a lot. I'm not exactly young, in my mid 30s, but even I have a solid 40 years left and probably more like 50 assuming crazy shit doesn't get me. I think about people in the US state dept around my age who are actively doing pro-genocide propaganda for a state that may not even exist in a shorter time than anyone can imagine. What happens to them in a couple decades? Maybe nothing. Probably nothing. It's a crazy gamble in my view though for such a nothing payoff. A total selling out of their souls and their life potential in support of a doddering old man and a failed state in a slowly collapsing empire (two failed states).

    I'm reminded of how indignant the Nazis were (the too few who got tried) at the Nuremberg trials. Basically their arguments hinged on some combination of "what jurisdiction do you have to try me?" and "what we did was legal in Germany!" It's too bad the US squandered any sort of uniting lessons that could've been taken from those trials of men who saw themselves as untouchable but very quickly, probably faster than they could've imagined, found their leaders gone and no one willing to defend them.

    I try to imagine standing on the trap-door device of a gallows and thinking about specific actions like taking stupid pics for instagram that led to an unsympathetic tribunal condemning me. All I can think is how utterly embarrassing that would be. You called yourself a hero while you murdered civilians by the thousands and mocked the underwear of likely dead people.

    I guess in the end that's one thing that separates people. Some of us feel shame. I don't know that these guys know what shame is as individuals or as a state. I don't think you can rehabilitate someone who does this. I don't think I care to even see it tried.