There is a similar question on the site which must not be named.

My question still has a little different spin:

It seems to me that one of the biggest selling points of Nix is basically infrastructure as code. (Of course being immutable etc. is nice by itself.)

I wonder now, how big the delta is for people like me: All my desktops/servers are based on Debian stable with heavy customization, but 100% automated via Ansible. It seems to me, that a lot of the vocal Nix user (fans) switched from a pet desktop and discover IaC via Nix, and that they are in the end raving about IaC (which Nix might or might not be a good vehicle for).

When I gave Silverblue a try, I totally loved it, but then to configure it for my needs, I basically would have needed to configure the host system, some containers and overlays to replicate my Debian setup, so for me it seemed like too much effort to arrive nearly at where I started. (And of course I can use distrobox/podman and have containerized environments on Debian w/o trouble.)

Am I missing something?

    7 months ago

    Nice, thank you very much for this great summary!

    In my own words, you describe the difference between declarative vs. imperative configuration and the joy of atomic updates. :-)

    I just want to add one point: Theoretically I totally agree, that one might have a bad state in Ansible and the updated state is spoiled, and of course configuration drift is a theoretical problem via Ansible. In practice I never run into this problems in 10+ years of using Ansible. (Of course I treat servers/desktop as cattle, so every major revision of Debian means a complete/clean new installation.)

      7 months ago

      If it works for you, that's great.

      I find it a lot more convenient to treat every change about my system as a nearly complete/clean new installation though and NixOS allows you to do so. An upgrade between major versions becomes a walk in the park due to this; it's the M.O. The last one didn't require any modification of the config on my NAS. I remotely rebuilt the system from my MacBook Pro with the new channel, rebooted to get the newer kernel and everything worked just like before.