What are the pros and cons for desktops ? EDIT : Thanks all. I'll try Silverblue, bazzite and more.

  • @theonlyk@linux.community
    4 months ago

    I'm pretty much immutable across the board on all of my servers and workstations (laptop included). Most my servers are openSUSE Leap Micro and MicroOS. Run MicroOS on the desktop side as well.

    Honestly ....haven't had any issues and the maintenance of it is fairly hands off. Few of mine are k8s nodes so that combined with the reboot mgr + transactional-update has been awesome. I spend less time maintaining my homelabs / desktops and eases my focus in just getting work done.

    I've only had to roll back a couple of times (mainly self-inflicted), so it's nice having that capability. A lot of this though can be accomplished in a non-immutable world as well.

  • @GravitySpoiled@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    If you want to tinker with the system, if you want to install multiple DEs, if you want to test and change things on your own, you may not like the rigidity of atomic systems.

    If you don't want to tinker with your system and you always want to have a working system, go for it.

    In the future it will become easier to tinker with the system (I hope that it doesn't take the path of android). I hope that more happens within containers and that it mature even more. Maybe the de within a distrobox? That would be awesome but I don't no the downside of it.

    Right now you are still an early adopter. It sounds like the future and for many it will be, but who know what's next. Especially companies have an interest in fedora's atomic distros with ostree.

    • MajinBlayze [any, he/him]
      4 months ago

      I've been using microos exactly because I like to tinker. Just the other day I installed plasma 6 to play around with the HDR implementation, then decided that it wasn't worth it and rolled everything back. Worse case scenario I might have needed to reset kde configs in my home directory, but even that want necessary.

  • @Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi
    4 months ago

    I think the only thing holding me back from going for immutable Linux is desktop virtualisation. VirtualBox and VMware can't be installed on an immutable distro AFAIK, and libvirt isn't all there for Windows guests.