*With lots of windows

You could have trees and flowers all over the place, and tiered garden courtyards to let light down into the centers of hills, and stepped cutaways or steep slopes where you want things a little denser. Life would be slow because FALGSC, and you could relax on the patio of a pub drinking a beer, watching the sun go down behind the trees while kids play with dogs. Maybe I'm laying it on a little thick with this description but it would be nice right?

You'd have to make sure rain could get down to the water table though. The floor plan would need to be porous so water could flow through the soil between rooms.

And there'd need to be some way to service plumbing and the power grid. It could work like a normal city, or you could have a network of fireproof service tunnels with fire doors and lots of access to the surface. There might also be service rails for moving stuff around, like furniture and boxes of belongings. These service rails might connect up with actual train stations for when people need to move stuff between cities.

In cold climates the underground might be as walkable as the surface.

Elevated trams if we can make them quiet, otherwise put em underground.

alright that's it, those are my urban shire ideas

  • ass [he/him,comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    in my head i'm aiming for density closer to low-rise apartment blocks, and it'd be mixed use and walkable so no one needs a car.

    to achieve this density i think you need a mix of walkable slopes, steeper slopes, and stepped cutaways (but no sheer drops of more than one story).

    also terracing would be good, so people can have little flat areas outside their apartments to maybe grow veggies in or just socialize with neighbors