Some guy will post a picture of a pretty standard looking pepperoni pizza and say: "Imagine not living in new york." And then there's the whole bodega discourse, which is also funny. "For you non-new yorkers, let me explain: a bodega is not a corner store. It's a place where you can buy gatorade, toilet paper, AND eggs." Thank you sir for explaining that to a slack-jawed yokel such as myself.

  • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Yeah I think ten years is about how long I'm spending in the city before moving somewhere else, alas not in the US since where the fuck else can I get something even close to NYC in this hellhole? Wish all my friends and family weren't here...

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Ive been thinking about, idk, europe somewhere? Maybe tokyo, Id have a really hard time blending though Japan isnt great for ex-pats. In reality Ill probably ride this sinking ship for a long time.