But then how would we verify that image data? The artwork would have to be re-scanned in a cradle full of identical sensors under identical conditions, and even if that were possible, degraded bits of pigment or a little scuff somewhere are going to throw the hash off again. Chunked hashes could help since it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker if not every chunk checked out, but I still wonder if getting pictures remotely deterministic enough to do something like this could ever be possible.
NFTs can only(practically) reference a web address of an image file etc, not an actual physical painting (in that case i suppose the NFT would be supposed to represent ownership of a specific scan/photo of it)
But then how would we verify that image data? The artwork would have to be re-scanned in a cradle full of identical sensors under identical conditions, and even if that were possible, degraded bits of pigment or a little scuff somewhere are going to throw the hash off again. Chunked hashes could help since it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker if not every chunk checked out, but I still wonder if getting pictures remotely deterministic enough to do something like this could ever be possible.
NFTs can only(practically) reference a web address of an image file etc, not an actual physical painting (in that case i suppose the NFT would be supposed to represent ownership of a specific scan/photo of it)